
2.毫無來由地感覺到深刻的內在悲傷。Feeling of deep inner sadness for no apparent reason. 您正在釋放您的過去(包括這一世和其它世), 這使你產生傷感。這與您從居住了多年的房子, 搬入一個新房子的經驗相似。儘管您很想要搬入新家, 那裡面都會有一些要把有關老房子的記憶、能量和經驗拋下的傷感。這些都會過去的。?
3.毫無來由地哭泣。Crying for no apparent reason. 與上面的#2相似。讓眼淚流出來是好而且健康的。這有助於釋放舊的內在能量。這些都會過去的。?
4.在工作或事業上發生突然的變化。Sudden change in job or career.一個非常普遍的徵兆。因為您在改變, 在您週遭的事物也將跟著改變。此時此刻不必去為找到”完美”的工作或事業操煩。這些都會過去的。您正在轉化中, 您在一個契合您的熱情之工作中真正安頓下來以前, 可能會有好幾次的工作變動。
5.從家庭關係中退縮。 Withdrawal from family relationships.您和您的人類家族是通過宿世的業力而聯繫在一起的。當您超脫了業力的循環, 您與那些舊的關係之間的聯繫也鬆脫了。看起來就好像您漂離了您的家人和朋友。這些都是會過去的。一段時期之後, 如果有必要, 您會與他們發展出一種新的關係。不過, 這種關係將奠基於新的能量, 不再與業力有所牽連。
6.反常的睡眠模式。Unusual sleep patterns.您可能會在許多的夜裡於凌晨2至4時之間醒過來。在您的內在有很多工作在進行著, 因而經常會導致您醒過來以得到一個”喘息的機會” 。不必擔心。如果您無法再睡, 就起來做點事而不要躺在床上擔心人世間的事。這都是會過去的。
7.密集的夢。 Intense dreams.這些也許包括了各種與戰爭和爭鬥、被追逐或妖怪有關的夢。您正在釋放內在的舊能量, 而過去的這些能量經常以戰爭、逃跑和魔怪們作為象徵。這都是會過去的。?
8.身體失衡失焦。Physical disorientation.您時常會感覺非常不踏實。您在空間感上遭到考驗, 覺得好像您無法把雙足踏在地面上, 或是好像走在二個世界之間。因為在您的意識轉入新能量時, 您的身體有時會滯留在後。多些徜徉在大自然裡去幫助新的內在能量落地扎根吧。這都是會過去的。?
9.”自我對話”增加。 Increased “self talk.”您會發現自己經常在對」真我」說話。您會突然驚覺到自己在過去的三十分鐘裡正對著自己喋喋不休。在您的內在正進行著一個新層次的溝通, 而您就在自我對話中體驗著它的冰山一角。這些對話會增加, 而且它們會變得更加流暢、更加連貫和更加通透。您沒有發瘋, 您只不過是作為聖甫拉正在進入新的能量而已。
10.孤寂感, 即使身旁有其它人陪伴。 Feelings of loneliness, even when in the company of others.您會感覺到孤獨和與其它人疏離。您會感覺到渴望”逃離” 團體和人群。作為聖甫拉,您在走著一條神聖和孤獨的道路。儘管寂寞的感覺使您焦慮,在此時此刻您很難與其它人 相處。這些孤寂感也和您的守護天使離去了的這個事實有關。他們曾在您多生以來的所有旅途中陪伴過您。現在是他們撤退好讓您能把您自己的神性注入您的空間的時候了。這都是會過去的。您內在的空虛會被您自己的基督意識之愛和能量注滿。
11.失卻熱情。Loss of passion.您會感覺到完全失去熱誠,只有很少或根本沒有慾望去做任何事。那是沒問題的,這不過是過程的一部份。在這一個時刻”無為”吧。不要在這之上與您自己戰鬥,因為這都是會過去的。它與重新激活計算機類似。您需要短暫關機好加載那些新的複雜的軟件,或在這裡指的是,新的基督種子能量。
12.深刻地渴望回「家」。A deep longing to go Home.這或許是所有狀況中,最困難和最具挑戰性的部份。您會體驗到一種深刻和巨大的,想要離開地球返回「家園」的渴望。這不是一種想要”自我毀滅/ 自殺”的感覺。它並非奠基於憤怒或失望挫折。您並沒有想要從中得到什麼,或為你自己或其它人製造戲劇性事件。您有個隱微的部份想要回「家」。這事的根本因由很簡單。您已經完成了您的宿業輪轉。您已經完成了您這一生的契約。當您還在這個肉身中時,您已經準備好開始新的一生。在這個轉化過程中,您有一個關於在另一邊的他方世界的內在記憶。您準備好在地球這裡再跑另一趟任務之旅嗎? 您準備好承擔進入新能量的挑戰了嗎? 是的,您的確可以現在就回「家」。但您已經付出了這麼多、經歷了許多世才開創了今天這個局面,如果在電影劇終之前離開實在是一個遺憾。此外,聖靈需要您在這裡幫助其它人進入新能量。他們會需要一個像您一樣,走過了從舊能量轉入新能量之旅程的人類嚮導。您現在走過的道路提供了經驗,使您得以成為新的神聖人類的老師。不管您的旅途在許多時候是多麼地孤寂和黑暗,記住:您絕不是孤身一人的。
Twelve Signs of Your Awakening Divinity
By Geoffrey Hoppe and Tobias
1.Body aches and pains, especially in the neck, shoulder and back. This is the result of intense changes at your DNA level as the “Christ seed” awakens within. This too shall pass.
2.Feeling of deep inner sadness for no apparent reason. You are releasing your past (this lifetime and others) and this causes the feeling of sadness. This is similar to the experience of moving from a house where you lived in for many, many years into a new house. As much as you want to move into the new house, there is a sadness of leaving behind the memories, energy and experiences of the old house. This too shall pass.
3.Crying for no apparent reason. Similar to #2 above. It’s good and healthy to let the tears flow. It helps to release the old energy within. This too shall pass.
4.Sudden change in job or career. A very common symptom. As you change, things around you will change as well. Don’t worry about finding the “perfect” job or career right now. This too shall pass. You’re in transition, and you may make several job changes before you settle into one that fits your passion.
5.Withdrawal from family relationships. You are connected to your biological family via old karma. When you get off the karmic cycle, the bonds of the old relationships are released. It will appear as though you are drifting away from your family and friends. This too shall pass. After a period of time, you may develop a new relationship with them if it is appropriate. However, the relationship will be based in the new energy without the karmic attachments.
6.Unusual sleep patterns. It’s likely that you’ll awaken many nights between 2:00 – 4:00 a.m. There’s a lot of work going on within you, and it often causes you to wake up for a “breather.” Not to worry. If you can’t go back to sleep, get up and do something rather than lay in bed and worry about humanly things. This too shall pass.
7.Intense dreams. These might include war and battle dreams, chase dreams or monster dreams. You are literally releasing the old energy within, and these energies of the past are often symbolized as wars, running to escape and boogeyman. This too shall pass.
8.Physical disorientation. At times you’ll feel very ungrounded. You’ll be “spatially challenged” with the feeling like you can’t put two feet on the ground or that you’re walking between two worlds. As your consciousness transitions into the new energy, you body sometimes lags behind. Spend more time in nature to help ground the new energy within. This too shall pass.
9.Increased “self talk.” You’ll find yourself talking to your Self more often. You’ll suddenly realize you’ve been chattering away with yourself for the past 30 minutes. There is a new level of communication taking place within your being, and you’re experiencing the tip of the iceberg with the self talk. The conversations will increase, and they will become more fluid, more coherent and more insightful. You’re not going crazy, you’re just Shaumbra moving into the new energy.
10.Feelings of loneliness, even when in the company of others. You may feel alone and removed from others. You may feel the desire to “flee” groups and crowds. As Shaumbra, you are walking a sacred and lonely path. As much as the feelings of loneliness cause you anxiety, it is difficult to relate to others at this time. The feelings of loneliness are also associated with the fact that your Guides have departed. They have been with you on all of your journeys in all of your lifetimes. It was time for them to back away so you could fill your space with your own divinity. This too shall pass. The void within will be filled with the love and energy of your own Christ consciousness.
11.Loss of passion. You may feel totally disimpassioned, with little or no desire to do anything. That’s okay, and it’s just part of the process. Take this time to “do no-thing.” Don’t fight yourself on this, because this too shall pass. It’s similar to rebooting a computer. You need to shut down for a brief period of time in order to load the sophisticated new software, or in this case, the new Christ-seed energy.
12.A deep longing to go Home. This is perhaps the most difficult and challenging of any of the conditions. You may experience a deep and overwhelming desire to leave the planet and return to Home. This is not a “suicidal” feeling. It is not based in anger or frustration. You don’t want to make a big deal of it or cause drama for yourself or other. There is a quiet part of you that wants to go Home. The root cause for this is quite simple. You have completed your karmic cycles. You have completed your contract for this lifetime. You are ready to begin a new lifetime while still in this physical body.
During this transition process, you have inner remembrances of what it is like to be on the other side. Are you ready to enlist for another tour of duty here on Earth? Are you ready to take on the challenges of moving into the New Energy? Yes, indeed, you could go Home right now. But you’ve come this far, and after many, many lifetimes it would be a shame to leave before the end of the movie. Besides, Spirit needs you here to help others transition into the new energy. They will need a human guide, just like you, who has taken the journey from the old energy into the new. The path you’re walking right now provides the experiences to enable you to become a Teacher of the New Divine Human. As lonely and dark as your journey can be at times, remember that you are never alone.
原文網址 : http://www.geocities.com/guides2012/12Signs.html

4 thoughts on “您的神性在甦醒中的十二個徵兆

  • 2009 年 9 月 1 日 at 下午 10:21

    或許妳會感到驚訝 但我想說的是
    以上幾點我幾乎都符合 以下的感覺敘述很長 希望不會造成你的困擾
    在大前天的夜晚 或許是家人不在身旁 讓我靜下心來想很多事
    隨即 我腦中有很多畫面 雖然東拼西湊 但都是過往的事
    因為閉著眼睛 感覺到一種…光?然後有一種…愛與平安的能量充滿
    似乎都放下了 我流淚 但並不是悲傷(我也不確定 也許有哪麼點?)
    我充滿感謝…感謝那些人事物給我的幸福 當然 也是磨練(一些較悲傷的過往 但現在的我 想到也不會感到悲傷 以前會 這大概是很大的變化)
    這似乎沒有 但也許未來有 但並沒有太在乎 但若能和志向相符 也好
    從前 我和家人關係並不好 甚至可以說很糟
    但經過這次改變 總覺得大概真的業力化解了吧?
    對父親 以前的恨意 不諒解都消失 但也不特別想黏他 但我會希望能和他誤會冰釋
    母親 從前我很排斥他 當然也是很多幼稚的不諒解造成的 但我現在希望能為他做些事
    姐姐 她陷再算是陷入一種泥淖 我渴望幫她
    其他除了7 基本上都有 連兩天都半夜醒來 自然地
    但我還不能”走” 還有很多事 我現在要做…例如幫助我的家人 朋友
    不過前幾天 我還是嘗試跟我的守護天使對話
    看到光的哪天是我第一次連結…(我當時發出 想要得到愛了解愛
    但我決定今天開始不再煩祂 我想我可以面對一切了
    我也不清楚祂是不是離開了 但我想我精神與祂同在…
    孤寂感好想以前有 但當持我還很”迷”就是
    謝謝你讀我的留言ˊˇˋ 晚安了

    • 2009 年 9 月 1 日 at 下午 11:10


  • 2009 年 9 月 15 日 at 上午 12:07

    你好~路過逛到這篇,從小一直有12項A deep longing to go Home的鄉愁,

    • 2009 年 9 月 17 日 at 上午 1:09




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